AACC Funding Request
Supporting the events and programs of our affiliate groups and organizations is what makes our community so vibrant and unique year after year. If you would like to apply for AACC funding, please read these instructions carefully and fill out the AACC Funding Application in its entirety.
For events held in January or September, please submit a Funding Request Form 3 weeks prior to the last day of classes of the previous semester.
For any questions, contact Associate Director of the AACC, at sheraz.oki@yale.edu
What to consider before you apply
Criteria for all funding requests:
- No retroactive funding (i.e. we will not fund groups for events that have already occurred)
- Only one funding request allowed per event
- No fundraiser events shall be awarded more than $199.99. An event is determined to be a fundraiser if money is collected from attendees
- Sponsorships from other departments/organizations are highly encouraged! Providing evidence of co-sponsorships may increase the possibility of receiving funding from the AACC. Please refer to some of the funding sources from within the University to request additional funding as well!
Criteria for Funding Requests Less Than $200:
- Only one approval given per month
- Applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to your event (i.e. if your event is on Thursday, August 31st, you’ll need to submit your Funding Request Form no later than Thursday, August 17th to receive funding)
Criteria for Funding Requests $200-$750:
- Only one approval given per semester
- Applications must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to your event (i.e. if your event is on Thursday, August 31st, you’ll need to submit your Funding Request Form no later than Thursday, August 3rd to receive funding)
- In addition, a representative of your department or organization will meet with the AACC Associate Director, Sheraz Oki, at least 3 weeks prior to your event. After submitting your application, be on the lookout for an email to meet with him.
How to create a successful application
Have you applied for funding from other Yale sources? These could include UOC, Council of East Asian Studies, Council of Southeast Asian Studies, Council of South Asian Studies, etc. If you have not, you must include an explanation to avoid delay due to inquiry why and/or suggestions of other sources.
Did you include an itemized list of your anticipated expenses? The more detailed the better! We want to know that you have thought out the details of where our money is going.
A word about paper goods: We do not award extensive funding for paper goods such as cups, plates, plastic cutlery, etc. The AACC may be able to provide those for you by simply completing our Event Supply Request form.
How to advertise your event
- The AACC logo MUST be included and featured as a source of funding in any/all advertising. Our policy requires a 1”x1” image of the logo per normal page for advertisements (including emails) and fit to that scale for larger items.
What to do after your event
Once approved AACC Funding, reimbursements are the most common (and quickest) form of AACC funding. To receive a timely reimbursement:
- Fill out this Reimbursement Request Form for direct deposit/electronic reimbursements. Include the itemization and transaction on either one receipt or individual receipts
- If you would like to do an in-person reimbursement instead of direct deposit, you can do so by printing and completing this reimbursement form, attaching all original receipts, and dropping them off in the Reimbursement Drop-Off Bin on the 2nd floor (near the AACC Game Room)
- Please submit your reimbursement form and receipts no later than 15 days after your event