Affiliate Organizations

Calling all grads and undergrads! Whether you’re into South Asian classical dance, spoken word poetry, or Korean percussive instruments, you’ve come to the right place. 

Join one of many groups affiliated with the AACC, and prepare to be wowed by the people who make up our vibrant community. Entirely student led, these groups give you the freedom to explore cultural and ethnic interests alongside your friends. Learn more about our affiliate groups list below through our Center or Yale’s OrgSync website!

Ancient Chinese Traditions Club (ACTC)

Asian American Students Alliance (AASA)

Asian American Collective of Theatermakers (AACT)

The Asian Jewish Union 

Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association (APAMSA)

Asian Receipes at Yale (ARAY)


Bridges ESL

Chinese American Students Association (CASA)

Chinse Language and Career Initiative (CLCI)

Chinese Undergraduate Students at Yale (CUSY)


Hong Kong Students Association (HKSA)

India at Yale (I@Y)

Japanese American Students Union (JASU)

KASAMA: The Filipino Club at Yale

Korean American Students at Yale (KASY)

K-Pop Dance Society at Yale (KDSY)

Malaysian and Singaporean Association (MASA)

MonstRAASity (RAAS)


Nepali Student Society at Yale (NSS)

Persian Students at Yale (PSA)

Red Lantern

South Asian Graduate Association (SAGA)

South Asian Society (SAS)

Southeast Asian Movement (SEAM)

Sri Lankans at Yale (SLAY)

Student Association of Thais at Yale (SATAY)

Taiwanese American Society (TAS)

There’s Hope in north Korea (THiNK)

Vietnamese Student Association (ViSA)

Yale Afghans Student Association (YASA)

Yale Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)

Yale Asian Student Athletes (YASA)

Yale Avaaz (Avaaz)

Yale Bengali Student Association (YBSA)

Yale Club Wushu and Chinese Kung-fu Team

Yale Dhvani - a Student Group for Classical Indian Music

Yale Divinity School Asian Students Association (YDiv ASA)

Yale Hindu Students Organization (HSO)

Yale Jashan Bhangra (YJB)

Yale Kalaa

Yale Korean Divinity Student Association

Yale Middle Eastern and North African Students Association (MENASA)

Yale Movement (MVM)

Yale Muslim Student Association (MSA)

Yale Queer and Asian (Q&A)

Yale Rangeela

Yale School of the Environment Asian Student Interest Group (YSE Asia SIG)

Yale School of Public Health Desi Students Alliance (YSPH DSA)

Yale Student Arabic Orchestra (YSAO)

Yale Vermilion Theater for Students and Scholars (YVT)

Yalies for Pakistan (YPAK)